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Enorm Biofactory

Fully automated logistics system with data tracking

Conveyance and logistics system for insect production


Sealing System, in collaboration with ENORM Biofactory, has developed an internal logistics solution for commercial insect production. An ambitious project within a new business area.

Pilot factory

Scandinavia's first commercial insect factory

In 2023, Enorm Biofactory will open the doors to Scandinavia's first commercial insect factory. 

The past four years, Sealing System has been involved in the development and design phase and is now about to deliver the logistics system for the 24,000 m2 plant. The plant will be the largest insect factory in the Nordic region, and production will provide an alternative source of protein for feed in the green transition of agriculture. 

Sealing System has gained important experience and knowledge through the development work on the pilot factory, which forms the basis for the implementation of the system on a large scale.

Palsgaard sækketransport


About insect production

  • The black soldier fly lays 1,000 eggs.
  • One gram of egg is = 30,000 larvae.
  • 25 kg. eggs develop into 100 tons of larvae in 12 days.

Insect production

Logistiksystem til insektproduktion

Enormous potential

Worldwide, the demand for protein is increasing. At the same time, livestock producers are finding it more and more difficult to obtain sufficient feed that meets origin and sustainability requirements. The production of insects will be able to meet the future demand for protein for animal feed. When the factory is ready in early 2024, it will be able to produce 100 tons of larvae per day, equivalent to 11,000 tons of insect protein per year. 


New sustainable business area

Sealing System has not previously worked with live biomaterial, but has seen it as a great opportunity to help develop the logistics system for Scandinavia's first commercial insect factory.

"It's not every day you get the chance to be a frontrunner. The plant is the first of its kind in Scandinavia, and helping develop a project of this scale is not without risk." Rolf Tange, CEO Sealing System

The operating environment in insect production is particularly challenging, as it involves conveyance of live animals which do not necessarily stay in the boxes. This is where Sealing System's knowledge and technical experience with internal conveyance and logistics, as well as handling and packaging solutions, has been a great strength. Going forward, Sealing System will use the knowledge and experience from the project to open the door to a new business area.

"With the Enorm Biofactory solution, we are among the pioneers in ensuring  proteins for animal feed and food products. The knowledge and experience we have gained through the project has helped open the door to a completely new business area with great great potential." Rolf Tange - CEO Sealing System


Other partners

"When working with insects, biology and feed make up 50% of the work. The rest is technology. And the two things cannot exist without each other. Because the production of the larvae takes place in a complex environment, it is necessary to have complete control of all processes, from logistics and ventilation to the collection of data. Here, the technical cooperation with suppliers such as Sealing System is crucial.

Sealing System and the other suppliers – Skov, Jesma, EAV, GEA and Semi Stål are all specialists in their fields, and through hard work and good interaction, they have contributed to the success of the project. Our partnership builds on the vast amount of knowledge we have gained through the development process and the pilot plant.

Hopefully, this can help ensure the construction of more insect factories of the same scale in the future."

Carsten Lind Pedersen, CEO ENORM Biofactory

Palsgaard sækketransport

Food Nation writes about the collaboration

Food Nation is a non-profit partnership established by the Danish government and private organizations and companies. Food Nation creates awareness of Danish agriculture and food sector that can accelerate the growth of international business through better solutions, innovative products and trusting cooperation.

Food Nation has chosen the cooperation between Sealing System A/S and Enorm as a case because it is the first time Sealing System A/S will be working with live biomaterial, and because it is Scandinavia’s first Commercial insect factory.

See our other solutions, or see the product's path through the packaging line


Packing and palletizing machines can be integrated in various intelligent packaging solutions. See more solutions in our Cases section.

We have made an animation of “The product's path through the packaging line" to illustrate the various functions that may be included in our intelligent packaging solutions.

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